Saturday, November 20, 2004

A really quick and dirty way of searching for articles if you can't be bothered logging in to Athens for a fast search, the beta of Google Scholar is worth a look.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Wiwa points out that I haven't published anything here since July.

I have posted a few drafts on e-government, as I'm still pottering along trying to do the disser on technical standards in e-government, and what they tell us about policy that might not be clearly stated anywhere in official policy statements.

Like, for example, the lists of standards in the last Technical Standards Catalogue of the UK e-GIF (government interoperability format) relating to smart cards- ostensibly for security and ease-of-use reasons, but the number of departments (especially in lcal government) reporting that they won't be operationally interoperable for the 2005 deadline might suggest to the cynical person that ID cards have more to do with bodging a cover up of the whole interoperability thing not working very well.

Back to that classic of conspiracy theories- its all due to fuck ups, not infallible masters of our destinies- not that that fact will fuck us up any less.