Sunday, February 29, 2004

Trying to get my arse motivated, since i'm missing;

Bumsnogger / Red Stars Parade / Errata/ Bonesaw / Vomitus, at Dr. Drakes just now. Bonesaw kick arse more than somewhat. Try their AUBL page if there's still hassle with their official one.

My missing gigs is down to medication from the doc which means i'm knocked out by about 9pm. I don't like this very much. Apart from missing gigs it means i don't get to see folk very often, which is even more crap cos people are pretty groovy creatures, for the most part.

This is just me making excuses for being a crap mate and not doing my bit to keep minority venues going, of course. Lameass.the babies would say.

Anyway, been having a spoach through the following far from exhaustive stuff to try to get inspired to go blatting about, maybe take a bit of time off to go to gigs elsewhere and get the body clock adjusted to get its 10 hours minimum of sleep moved around to a more sociable kind of time, if only temporarily.


Edinburgh Metal Scene


Alternative Nation currently has the Dangerfields near the top of the homepage, now without Cormac, possibly the only person to table dance on the bar of old Drakes.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Here's some of the archived email stuff- not a lot of narrative and description but I have managed to put them in broad subject groupings at least; heres the music stuff home

EarthEar Home Page- bit mincy, a lot of the stuff

Welcome to Sonic Arts

Folk Music - Academic Info- US folk music site- ignore the hideous sponsored links at the top.

European Free Improvisation home

OHM- The Gurus of Electronic Music

Internet Archive: Live Music Archive

New playable 'nanoguitar' promises circuit applications very small guitars

Radio-Locator- pretty much in its own category,

vaguely techie stuff;

Spambot Beware - Avoidance - HTML Tricks

DAILY ROTATIONtechie news aggregator

Another couple of RSS primers- first one from EEVL-RSS - A Primer for Publishers and Content Providers and this next one from weblogs compendium.

deregionaliser for DVD from Slysoft.

talk to god;

BigFAQ: god answers the big philosophical questions

find out what lying bastards are lying about today;

Spin of the Day
prwatch site

a few reference resources;

The Visual Thesaurus, a Dictionary of the English Language

OneLook Reverse Dictionary

Cornell University Library Windows on the Past

VoS - Voice of the Shuttle humanities stuff

everything you ever wanted to know about...
Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon

Metadata Resources - Academic Info

resources for making and breaking things;

Textile Resources, UW Stout Library

FabricLink - For Learning About Fabrics, Apparel, and Clothing Care

Flint Hire and Supply Ltd., Ready Made Breakaways- for breaking over people's heads. Flints do lots of other prop stuff too.

recipes for your dog;

Yummy for Dogs: Yummy for Dogs: Vegan recipes for your dog to be honest,ifind this a bit odd,not that people want to do vegan bait for their dogs,its the cinnamon apple snaps and carrot muffins i find a bit, well, anthropomorphic.

and some hippy shite;

The Modern Antiquarian

Places of Peace and Power: The Sacred Site Pilgrimage of Martin Gray

The Stonehenge Project > Home

Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts, page 1
Its been quite snowy the last few days, so I've been catching up on all the drafts that have been posted quickly.

Before I started blogging,I used to email myself useful URLs, partly because of hardware problems that meant bookmarks didn't transfer to my account when I moved between desks, but also so I could find things again when I got home.I'msure lots of people do this. I always meant to put them all together into html (maybe even put an sql/php thing behind it for searchability, use of synonyms, etc), but I'm way too lazy.

The only reason I manage to keep this together is the blogger button on the google toolbar...

But since the road is blocked, and the phone works again, I'm going to try to blog some of the old emailed things to make them more useful, if only to myself, who forgot to put subject lines in most of the messages. The price you pay for indolence.

I'll try to put them in some kind of subject order.
FARNE is a resource for Northumbrian music, funded by the New Opportunities Fund, and organised by Gateshead Council (the folk who do a lot of library things without much money).
A resource to use when checking out all the yacky things they use to make houses and what can be used instead; Green Building Press also has stuff on how to make houses so they're cheaper and more efficient to run. All the things you'd expect really.
The site of Transparency Internationalhas country listings for bribery and corruption in various government and government-funded bodies, plus anyone else who might be able to give punters grief.
More useful than UK Online for finding the govenment department responsible for whatever-the Tagishsite is kept together by the jolly TAG folk who used to do a lot of robotics and build nifty PCs, but now also do things that almost make them resemble librarians. A useful site by really nice people.
KeepingLegal You know- for libraries.
World Wide Wounds - partly because its useful from a medical informatics point of view, but mainly cos its just a fuckin good name....
Says it all, really, except that it means films; Horror
A chink in the hideous and evil cartel of Elsevier et al; Directory of open access journals
Academic work on the treaty of Waitangi, where the Maori folk got rippped off more than somewhat.The Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History:

theThe Surrealist Compliment Generatorturned up again- that is, it was lost to me, but maybe not to itself.