Thursday, November 27, 2003

Don't know if this is new, or if I've just noticed it, but this is quite handy. Dunno how mid atlantic it is, especially the sports bit, but its well worth a look. :: your alternative guide to the Internet

Was a bit surprised that Profane Existence Home Page got no listing in the music section, given that maximumrocknroll and book yr own fuckin life are there, but hey.

Since I'm on the subject, this is probably a good place to mention FLAT EARTH RECS - Sned also keeps a mahussive links list of labels, bands, distros, zines, venues as well as news, gig list, selling stuff, and having some soppy nostalgia pages for scabby old punks, and a few mp3s.

Going back to the infoshop portal, Chuck has a link to, so i go for a look cos I haven't been there for a couple of weeks. Jessamyn has also got a links page a lot like the infoshop portal- again loads more use if you're in the states but worth a look for bits and pieces for people in the rest of the world as well.

UK Indymedia - UK Indymedia have a piece today on the release of the Thessaloniki 7, while Scotland Indymedia has stuff from last weeks anti-Bush demos, anti-deportation demos, and listings for Faslane and Bilston Wood anti-road camp.

Some folk have questioned the usefulness of indymedia as people were able to post without there being any moderation. But its a central resource, and you should be checking your sources anyway, boys and girls. I generally view with a pinch of salt, if you see what i mean....

A-Infos: Anarchist News Service is a handy thing, with a choice of languages to view the posts in.

If you haven't been to STREET LIBRARIAN its a massive list of links, basically, librarianship stuff, zines, alternative media, surrealism, comics- and some personal stuff about Chris Dodge, who does the site. I think it was here I first discovered The Modified Librarian, although i couldn't swear by that, it was a while ago.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Theatrical props today, after an exchange of messages with someone at work with an interest inpyrotechnics.

Found this stuff a while ago for a mate and had to go through me email archives to find them again, as I hadn't kept them anywhere sensible.

Specialist Effects | Hand Held Effects - Flash Guns really nifty wee machine for throwing fireballs

Technical Frequently Asked Questions how to make fireballs, fake blood, kinda thing

Props - Links - load of links for props, makeup, latex.

Flint Hire and Supply Ltd., Flints Catalogue standard UK theatrical bits catalogue.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Four links below found in Schnews;
SchNEWS - direct action newsletter

Reforesting Scotland
TRN - Taiga Rescue Network - the Boreal forest
Trees for Life - Restoring the Caledonian Forest in the Highlands of Scotland-
three generally treey things
Groundswell: Home Page
which is a UK homelessness/housing group

Not found on schnews,but added in cos it makes sense to put it here;
Talamh Life Centre
a housing co-op which also does all manner of eco/enviro stuff
Stuff below from the
Internet Resources Newsletter: Issue 111, December 2003

Access Funds - Grants information for UK voluntary and non-profit organisations

Grants Online - Home Page

Scottish Architecture .com

Above three included for housing co-op interest

Academic Info - What's New November 2003 included cos it looked like it had some handy resources in it
biflora database of plants
database of plants on the island of Hainan, P.R. China a 'biodiversity hotspot'.

Corporate Crime Reporter

both of theabove found on
Academic Info - Educational Subject Directory

Open Government Information Awareness Inspired by the US govt's total information awareness program, collects information about the US government- looks like it has a similar data model to the OAI (open archives initiative) model. Kind of like a sophisticated 'written in flames' (for any UK folk into that kind of thing who remember that far back), with info on economic interests, etc, etc of US govt.

The Journalist's Toolbox excuse my cycnicism on the evenhandedness of your average journo- this is provided by the american press institute- some handy bits and pieces though.
found on
UNESCO Libraries Portal: Reference/Portals/International

as was:
Observatory on the Information Society: UNESCO-CI (3.01b) also a unesco page. Stuff on law and ethics in information.

Saturday, November 22, 2003

stuff i've been looking at today;

Living Spring Journal Home Page
Academic journal from Bath Uni on the folklore and provenance of sacred wells and waterlore. Peer-reviewed by other academics, seems to be published online biannually (ish).

UK/northern Europe bias, but includes an article on Cenotes and other American sacred waters. Apart from articles,also has reviews of relevant literature, discussion, and lists of organisations and conservation projects. Free access.

The Source online archive. Also published and maintained by Bath Uni, appears to be an earlier version of the above, reproduced from a (possibly paper) verion of Source- the Holy Wells Journal Same emphasis and bias as the above- archive dates back to 1985. Lots of articles here, but doesn't include letters, reviews or other material that would have been in the hard copy.

Both sites administered by Richard Pederick, who may also administer The Prehistoric Web Index, or maybe not. Don't want to make the poor bloke(s) paranoid. I wonder how likely it is that one person would publish on waterlore, and work at a Uni,and have a namesake who maintains a database, and takes an active interest in, megaliths and prehistory generally, who is at Uni? Fairly likely, I suppose, although the name is fairly uncommon. But then so is Dave Gorman.