Saturday, November 22, 2003

stuff i've been looking at today;

Living Spring Journal Home Page
Academic journal from Bath Uni on the folklore and provenance of sacred wells and waterlore. Peer-reviewed by other academics, seems to be published online biannually (ish).

UK/northern Europe bias, but includes an article on Cenotes and other American sacred waters. Apart from articles,also has reviews of relevant literature, discussion, and lists of organisations and conservation projects. Free access.

The Source online archive. Also published and maintained by Bath Uni, appears to be an earlier version of the above, reproduced from a (possibly paper) verion of Source- the Holy Wells Journal Same emphasis and bias as the above- archive dates back to 1985. Lots of articles here, but doesn't include letters, reviews or other material that would have been in the hard copy.

Both sites administered by Richard Pederick, who may also administer The Prehistoric Web Index, or maybe not. Don't want to make the poor bloke(s) paranoid. I wonder how likely it is that one person would publish on waterlore, and work at a Uni,and have a namesake who maintains a database, and takes an active interest in, megaliths and prehistory generally, who is at Uni? Fairly likely, I suppose, although the name is fairly uncommon. But then so is Dave Gorman.

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