Monday, March 15, 2004

The Bentley Collection is a searchable and browsable collection of photomicrographs of snowflakes- hundreds of 'em.

Above from LII - New This Week page of Librarians' Index to the Internet.

Other good stuff from LII this week-
BirdLife International - together for birds and people

A collection of Cesar Chavez resources at Cesar Chavez Day of Service and Learning, compiled by the State of California, so be warned.

ATSDR - ToxFAQs�: Mustard Gas spends a lot of time explaining why US citizens could not possibly be at risk from their government's stockpiles of the gas, since it's stored properly and the remaining stocks are going to be disposed of this year (honest) and only bad people would use it, like some of those swarthy foreigners, but you need to know about it, because if there was a cloud of the gas came settling over your school, (and it definitely wouldn't be one of our clouds of gas, but part of some evil alien plot to destabilise the US (which is the epitome of all human achievement)), you might want to know what minimal action you could take to try to reduce the bad things that would happen as a result.

Err, was that incoherent enough to be realistic?

Also it says what to do if you're exposed to mustard gas. Like if you were Kurdish and being gassed by a US-supported dictator, fr instance.

The Japanese Volcano Research Centre has a load of stuff on volcano research, and World Wide Wolves is pretty much what you'd expect, too. World Wide Wolves is aimed at a young audience.

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