Thursday, August 11, 2005

Global warming correlates with the diminishing number of pirates. I have always suspected as much and enthusiastically participated in Talk Like A Pirate Day in an effort to do my bit. Talk like a pirate day is on September 19th, which this year happily coincides with Decapitated's gig with Gorerotted, Detonation and Dam at the Barfly in Glasgow.

Gaaarrr... Spheres of Madness, ye lubbers.

The empirical and significant research on the effects of pirate loss on climate change was done by Bobby Henderson who has also investigated intelligent design, and become a bit of a heretic in ID circles. He has written an open letter to the Kansas School Board urging them to give equal coverage to his divergent theory of intelligent design ;

"Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was He who created all that we see and all that we feel. We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him."

You can buy T-shirts and mugs of The Flying Spaghetti Monster (this does have to be capitalised- check your DDC for deities including His Satanic Majesty). Or you can check the Wikipedia entry for Our Noodly Master if you're not yet converted.

Thanks to Feedback at New Scientist for spreading the word.

Found out last week that I've been blacklisted by the RGU's extremely zealous filter. I therefore join the esteemed company of First Monday and Resourceshelf - the blog.

The latter is not Peter Scott's Library Blog - Resourceshelf or Gary Price's ResourceShelf, just so you're not as confused as I was.


I've got a Flickr account now which contains mainly photos of kittens but also other things including an ex-crow and some apocalyptic sheep.

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