Sunday, February 29, 2004

Trying to get my arse motivated, since i'm missing;

Bumsnogger / Red Stars Parade / Errata/ Bonesaw / Vomitus, at Dr. Drakes just now. Bonesaw kick arse more than somewhat. Try their AUBL page if there's still hassle with their official one.

My missing gigs is down to medication from the doc which means i'm knocked out by about 9pm. I don't like this very much. Apart from missing gigs it means i don't get to see folk very often, which is even more crap cos people are pretty groovy creatures, for the most part.

This is just me making excuses for being a crap mate and not doing my bit to keep minority venues going, of course. Lameass.the babies would say.

Anyway, been having a spoach through the following far from exhaustive stuff to try to get inspired to go blatting about, maybe take a bit of time off to go to gigs elsewhere and get the body clock adjusted to get its 10 hours minimum of sleep moved around to a more sociable kind of time, if only temporarily.


Edinburgh Metal Scene


Alternative Nation currently has the Dangerfields near the top of the homepage, now without Cormac, possibly the only person to table dance on the bar of old Drakes.

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